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Jan Rozing Men's Fashion puts a lot of time into giving correct and up-to-date information to the visitors of the website. We are not responsible for information, data and programs that you receive from third parties via our site. The information you receive from third parties does not always represent our opinion.


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We can not guarantee that the information on our website is error-free, complete and / or up-to-date. Therefore you can not derive any rights from the information on this website. Nor are we liable for damage as a result of inaccuracies and / or dated information. If you come across information, dates and / or programs whose copyright is yours, please report this to the webmaster via one of the many contact possibilities mentioned on our contact details page.

External links

This website contains links with which you leave this website and end up on websites of another party. Jan Rozing Men's Fashion has no control over the websites of third parties to which is linked. It is therefore possible that a different privacy policy applies to the use of these third-party websites. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for (the operation and / or content of) websites of third parties. We encourage you to consult the privacy policy and / or statements of the other websites you visit.

Comments / suggestions

If you come across information that in your view is not correct, complete or up-to-date, you can contact the webmaster (webshop@janrozing.com). We appreciate your comments and possible additions. Through your contributions we can improve our website.